Everyday Magic is a customized intensive personal growth and spiritual development program for self-transformation.
It is designed to help you change your life in 30 to 60 days by fully immersing you in spiritual self-care practices that lead to deeper levels of self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-love, self-transformation, self-mastery and ultimately, transcendence of self into oneness with all.
Total self-mastery may not happen for some in a lifetime, let alone 30 to 60 days, but there are levels of self-mastery and forms of personal growth and transformation that can be very satisfyingly achieved through various practices. And of course, over time, if you stay committed to the habits you establish in this program, you just may achieve far more than you could have ever imagined.
If your goal is to create a blissful life that you love and adore, then your true goal is to know your true Self. Your true Self (with a capital S) is the spiritual aspect of you. It is the consciousness that you are, it is the essence of The Creator — and your level of connection to it is what determines the kind of life you create for yourself.
The connection between your person (which is your ego that consists of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, desires), your true Self (divine) and the God of your understanding (also divine) is essentially what this program teaches you how to develop. Once you know your Self, you know God, and then you move from identifying with your person to identifying with your god/goddess Self - while you manage your person.
Being tuned in and connected to your true Self enables you to see, hear, feel and KNOW the bliss that already exists in you and in the world around you because you are no longer tuned in to the pain and trauma of the person.
Everyday Magic bathes you in the spiritual self-care practices, rituals and training that will help you raise your vibration to the “channel” or state of consciousness of your true Self.
When you are in this state of mind, there is only love, peace, joy, wholeness and acceptance of what is. And this is the beginning of what I call Everyday Magic. My own journey has led me to it, I’ve been teaching others how to do it for many years, and now it’s your turn.
The state of being I’m describing above, which is also known as meditation, is both a practice and a way of life. Before anything can become a state of being, it must become a way of life. And for that to happen, it must become an everyday practice; and that is the purpose of this program.
Practicing the rituals every day is what creates the experience of bliss in your day-to-day life. Nothing extraordinary need happen for you to experience bliss every second of everyday. If your mind is properly focused, you can create magical bliss at any moment of any day — there are endless ways to meditate.
Managing your person and your life from the inside out means that you have to learn how to navigate the spiritual dimensions — this can take a long time if you don’t have an experienced teacher and guide.
Having the level of hands-on, custom guidance and support that is provided for you in this program is incredibly valuable and can have an immeasurable impact on how you experience your life and spiritual journey.
Many people struggle to get themselves into the habits that need to be established for personal transformation. And because of that, the process can take a long time. With total immersion, all distractions are eliminated and you have the real-time help that you need to transform your mind in ways that are lasting and that can catapult you quickly into the next level of your life!
Most of us want to experience life joyfully, and that is a huge component of the Everyday Magic Program for personal growth and spiritual development.
In a nutshell, my goal with this program is to walk you through the process of integrating daily spiritual self-care habits that lead to self-transformation that in turn leads to the manifestation of a life of everyday magic; meaning, a life you love and adore!
Before we get into more of the details of the program, check out some of the feedback from previous EDM participants.
"You exceeded any and all expectations. I loved how the program was in writing and so detailed! It was so helpful for me to go back and read all the steps and info that you provided. The daily email kept me on track and the added links to info was a huge bonus. I loved the weekly contact too. It was great to talk over what had happened over the week and flush out old patterns and emotions. AND the guided meditation that was customized was amazing. I feel that it [the program] is worth more [than what it cost]. It was so evident how much time you put into this program before and during the 30 days. I feel so lucky to have been a part of this!" - Laura H.
"It is so hard for me to put into words how I feel I benefited from the EDM program because I feel like a new being. So many things in my life have changed since I started this program. I can say that I feel more confident in my ability to connect with my guides and I am naturally more aware of my thoughts and what they say about my core beliefs. I have been to the meditations before and had readings, but it was nothing like the complete experience of the 30 day program. Each individual service you provide (classes, readings, consultations) are a piece to the puzzle, but the 30-day program is what helped to speed up my spiritual growth because of the guidance each step of the way. This was definitely a life changing experience!" - Dejah L.
"Doing the EDM program with Selena has improved my relationships, opened my spiritual guidance and given me excitement, joy and passion about my life and where it is going. Selena is a spiritual wonder and I'm so thankful that I've been able to experience this amazing program with her." - Michele H.
"You forced me to look at some hard truths, take accountability for my life, helped me see the light in the darkness and helped open my mind and heart. I came into the program cautiously optimistic. There are a lot of spiritual people out here and there are a lot of scams. I believe your program is one of the legit ones and it will help a lot of people going forward, including myself. Thank you for all you do and continue the GOOD work!!! It helped me level up spiritually." - Justin H.
EDM is for the spiritual seeker who already knows that they are on a spiritual path and are ready to level up. Going on this transformational journey with me means that your daily habits will most likely need to radically change if you are to get the greatest benefit from this program. I want to work with those who are ready to commit to their highest life path and are ready to do what is within their power to create a life that supports who you are truly here to be as a lightworker.
This is a full immersion experience that will be training you to think and focus in ways that are likely different than what you’re accustomed to. Much of this program is about cleaning up and managing how you think. You must be willing to trust the process and ready to release all resistance to change in order to get the most out of this experience.
This is a unique journey for each individual so how it unfolds will depend on where you currently are and what you are currently asking for. Law of attraction is always creating our experiences through our own intentions so the clearer you are about what you need this program to help you with, the more you will get out of it because it will literally be custom-made for you.
EDM is designed for those who are already aware of the spiritual dimensions and their connection to the Divine and are ready to create a lifestyle around their spiritual practice for the purpose of personal growth and spiritual development.
This is for you if you are open to growth and ready to let go of distractions, limitations and unhealthy attachments. If you feel that you are being pulled into a higher, more spiritual way of living, working and trusting the process, then this is for you.
In order to fully benefit from the experience, you must be FULLY COMMITTED to radically transforming your life. This comprehensive program is intense and will most benefit you if you're ready and willing to make your personal growth and spiritual development a top priority for the next 30 to 60 days by eliminating ALL distractions.
The EDM Program is essentially about habit building via a pretty rigid daily schedule where the majority of your time will be scheduled and planned in order to help you stay focused on reprogramming the subconscious mind through various tasks, practices, techniques, and of course, consistent repetition. It's customized around your life and goals, so we create your daily schedule together and build the program around your current needs and vision. It may require small or major adjustments like getting up earlier, going to bed earlier, or eliminating certain things from your life and diet, for instance.
Because everything in the program is designed to raise your vibration to strengthen your self-discipline, mental focus, self-awareness and intuition, all activities that are not essential for spiritual growth are eliminated during the time of the program. That would be things like television, social media or anything that serves to distract you from your program goals.
If those mediums are used in healthy ways to enhance your life, then no change is necessary there. But most likely, much of your day-to-day will need to change to prioritize these scientifically proven self-care habits and techniques for personal growth and spiritual development.
When integrated into your lifestyle, these habits lead to enhanced ability to focus, greater self-satisfaction, an ability to manage one's mental and emotional state at will, and otherwise achieve goals while enhancing your intuition.
The customized spiritual self-care plan that you receive as .pdf file for you to print or view on any device. It includes outlines and brief explanations of the 10 simple Spiritual Self-Care practices that you'll be learning to incorporate into each day, links to other sources for further exploration, plus daily rituals.
For example, you'll have a Rising Ritual to perform the moment you open your eyes and a Resting Ritual to perform before bed.
Rituals are simply a series of actions performed in the same time and way in order to create a habit. This program teaches you 4 rituals that are included in the plan to assist with building strong habits for holistic success and personal transformation.
Finally, there will be a significant amount of writing each day. Journaling, logging your self-care practices, logging your use of time, writing your goals, writing to me everyday via e-mail, and other writing exercises will be assigned.
If you are already accustomed to living by a schedule and completing many tasks, then this won't take as much focus and energy.
If you find it very difficult to stick to a schedule or are attached to any unhealthy habits that will need to be eliminated, then this will require much more focus, energy and willpower on your part.
The EDM Program is habit-building and performance-driven, so completing tasks and writing assignments relevant to where you are in your journey will be required in order to get the best results.
If you are really ready for this level of change and believe that you have the time and energy to complete the daily self-care practices, rituals and writing assignments, then regardless of what's going on in your life, this would be a great program for you - IF you have the actual time to dedicate yourself to it.
If you have a lot going on right now that would prevent you from being able to carry out the daily practices, then this may not be a good time for EDM.
If you’re looking for a more relaxed way to go about your spiritual ascension, there is a program option that is less rigorous. You also may be interested in the Love.Light.Ascension Coaching Package , which is not a transformation program, rather a personal growth and spiritual development coaching experience.
Everyday Magic was first introduced as a 30-day program and now offers a 60-day package for those who need more 1:1 time. There is now a no-coaching option for those who need less ongoing guidance and accountability. Let’s look at how the program is set up.
The program is presented in parts.
First, the 90-Minute Consultation. This is where we meet in person (if you’re local) for your intuitive reading that gives us both the spiritual insight and guidance about who you are, what your purpose is, where you are within yourself/life, what you want/want to change, what’s blocking you, what’s the best path to joy, etc. We will also have a mini-workshop to compile data needed to create your custom Spiritual Success Plan. You will also have homework due that we will go over in this session (don’t worry, it’ll be fun!)
Next, I’ll create your Spiritual Success Plan. Your program revolves around this plan. This is everything you need to do and follow in order to create a life you love and adore. For some of you, this is all you’ll need to soar. For others, you may need more guidance throughout the process, which leads to part 3.
The Coaching. This gives you real-time support, accountability and guidance for a duration of your choice - either 30 or 60 days. By including coaching with your plan, you won’t have to wonder if you’re on the right track as you are learning how to know and trust your own inner guidance system, nor will you waste much time on trial and error trying to figure things out on your own.
Together, the entire experience will fully immerse you in the spiritual/intuitive lifestyle because it is designed to leave little room for distraction. It’s somewhat of a bootcamp in that way. It’s designed for those who just want to go all-in! This allows you to stay focused; which elevates your vibration much more quickly, which then manifests a life you love and adore sooner than later!
The Spiritual Success Plan that I create for you includes:
10 essential self-care practices that serve as the basis of your spiritual/intuitive lifestyle
Your daily schedule of spiritual self-care practices to follow
Positive Affirmations, prayers and rituals for spiritual practice
Additional spiritual development resources
Both intuitive and scientific guidance on how to navigate, manage and change your life from the inside out
✓ The program kicks off with your own private workshop. I will begin with an intuitive reading to translate the energy of where you currently are within yourself and life on both a soul and ego level.
After your reading and the guidance that follows, we will process and discuss any questions you have. From there, we will establish your goals, daily schedule and what we’re going to focus on in your plan.
By the end of the session we will have the outline for your plan and you will have instructions as to what to do until your plan is finished. I will create your official Spiritual Success Plan and e-mail to you within 7 days. Your 30 to 60 days of coaching and accountability will begin after you receive your plan. ($250 value)
✓ Your Custom Spiritual Success Plan consists of over 20 pages and is the foundation of your program. It is the daily map and guide that holds your objectives, motivations, intuitive messages, positive affirmations, daily schedule and your self-care practices. This plan is what you will follow daily to keep you on schedule.
I have also written and include protocols for how to begin and end your spiritual practices, over 30 journal prompts, statements of declaration and powerful prayers. Additional resources such as suggested reading, viewing and other areas of study are included as well. ($400 value)
✓ Your 30-Minute Custom Pre-Recorded Guided Meditation will begin with a guided breathing exercise before taking you on a brief journey of guided imagery and positive affirmations.
The entire experience provides subtle energy healing for balancing your chakras and helps you to enter a meditative state, strengthen your ability to focus, experience inner peace, and ultimately, transform and reprogram your mind.
Regular meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress, create inner clarity and rewire/reprogram the subconscious mind. ($150 value)
✓ Daily Check-In via e-mail provides the accountability support that you need to stay focused, consistent and committed to the new daily habits that are helping you master your self, your time, your energy, your boundaries, and every other aspect of your life for greater inner peace, joy and purposeful living. (Priceless. But based upon my hourly rate, a $2,250 value)
✓Regular Coaching Calls with me allow for greater exploration and deeper self-discovery. Questions are answered with intuitive guidance regarding experiences, highlights, insights etc. from the week. We will establish a schedule for the 30-minute coaching calls included in the package you choose. ($300+ value)
✓ You will receive the Audio Recordings of your initial intuitive reading as well as all coaching calls for reference and continued guidance. (Priceless)
Having now done this program several dozen times and enhancing it with each person, I understand it’s value to be much greater than when I first introduced it. Originally, the plan was to only offer Everyday Magic once as a custom program and then create a prototype for a ready-made program from there — which is why I priced it so low.
However, the customized plan, along with my hands-on involvement/daily accountability created some of the most remarkable shifts that I have ever seen in my clients, and so I feel compelled to take others through the process as well.
When I first launched this program in 2018, it included all of the features listed above at an absurdly low introductory price. Before I actually created it, I valued the program at over $2,000 and offered it for just $499 ($399 for early birds). But the value assessment was BEFORE I actually went through the process because I was creating custom experiences for individuals. It was incredible! I was so inspired while creating the program with each person that by the end of the process I had created an experience that was twice as valuable than what I’d planned and far more intensive than I had envisioned.
I still want to keep this as affordable as possible so I’m offering 3 different package options and payment plans to choose from.
EDM 60, which is the full package offering that includes 60 days of coaching and everything you just read above, is truly a value of over $4,000. However, your investment will be significantly lower.
EDM 60 $1,997 Your Investment - $997 or two payments of $498.50
(just $16.61 a day)
✓60 Days of Coaching
✓ 90-Minute Consultation
✓ Custom Spiritual Success Plan
✓ E-Mail Coaching and Accountability
✓ 6 30-minute Coaching Calls
✓ Custom Pre-Recorded Guided Meditation
✓ Audio Recordings of coaching calls
EDM 30 - $699 Your Investment - $497 or two payments of $248.50
( just $16.56 a day)
30 Days of Coaching
90-Minute Consultation
4 30-minute Coaching Calls
Pre-Recorded Guided Meditation
Audio Recordings of coaching calls
EDM Getting Started - $499 Your Investment - $297 or two payments of $148.50
90-Minute Consultation
Custom Spiritual Success Plan
One 30-minute Coaching Call
Audio Recordings
If you believe that this is your season for extreme self-care, are ready to take your life to the next level, and are willing to be fully committed to the process for the next 30 to 60 days by eliminating all distractions, I want to work with you and help you radically transform your life.
I’m going to help you create a new way of thinking and being in much the same way that I have reprogrammed my own mind and recreated myself and my life time and time again…with intense and extreme, deep self-work.
Limited spots available. Enrollment Is Now Open and will automatically close once all spots are filled.
If you have any questions about the program to find out if it’s a good fit for you, please click the contact button below to schedule a brief exploration call with me.
Once payment is received, you will receive an e-mail to schedule your consultation & intuitive reading via phone. Your session will be scheduled for the earliest date available for us both and will take place within one to two weeks. Your guidance and coaching will begin the day of your session, however, the official 30 or 60 days of coaching won’t begin until one week after your initial session, once you’ve received your plan.
If you are a current member, we will freeze your membership for the month of your program.
If registration has closed by the time you attempt to register, please e-mail me using the contact form below to be placed on the waiting list for the next open enrollment.
You may receive a full refund if you change your mind before the initial consultation session takes place.
If you’d like to read about my personal spiritual journey and the work that I currently do with clients, click on the Snapshot of My Journey link below to get a better idea of how this program can help you. There is also a contact button on that page if you have questions or to schedule an exploration call before signing up.
If you are ready to get started, click the enroll or payment plan option below.
Receive a PAID IN FULL BONUS of a free 60-minute Spiritual Life-Coaching/Intuitive Reading session to cash in on anytime during or after the program when you purchase your program in full!